John Wick by Nikita AbakumovSimon Hawes2021-05-20T10:01:16+00:00 Halloween Ends by Colm GeogheganSimon Hawes2021-05-20T09:21:47+00:00 Knife in the Water by Bartosz KosowskiSimon Hawes2021-05-18T14:52:40+00:00 Lost Highway by Bartosz KosowskiSimon Hawes2021-05-14T14:43:06+00:00 Cape Fear by Alan GillettSimon Hawes2021-05-14T11:01:18+00:00 Spectre by Przemek BartnikSimon Hawes2021-05-11T08:50:17+00:00 Jaws by Bartosz KosowskiSimon Hawes2021-05-11T08:28:51+00:00 The Place Beyond the Pines by Rough DeontasSimon Hawes2021-05-11T08:13:27+00:00 Persona by Brian PhillipsSimon Hawes2021-05-11T07:58:38+00:00 Halloween by Joshua DeanSimon Hawes2021-05-05T08:48:12+00:00 Us by Rough DeontasSimon Hawes2021-05-04T16:17:22+00:00 Joker by Alex GilgenbachSimon Hawes2021-04-27T15:32:12+00:00 Halloween by Lucas TetraultSimon Hawes2021-04-26T09:41:01+00:00 Point Break by Haley TurnbullSimon Hawes2021-04-21T07:46:15+00:00 Event Horizon by David SeidmanSimon Hawes2021-04-19T08:51:41+00:00 Jaws by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-04-19T08:17:51+00:00 Halloween by Haddon McKinneySimon Hawes2021-04-19T08:10:21+00:00 Joker by Ruiz BurgosSimon Hawes2021-04-16T08:51:12+00:00 Gravity by Leonardo RecuperoSimon Hawes2021-04-15T16:31:20+00:00 JFK by Max MorrisSimon Hawes2021-04-15T10:28:11+00:00 Tenet by Kirk MoffattSimon Hawes2021-04-13T15:39:53+00:00 Point Break by Phil ShellySimon Hawes2021-04-13T15:32:35+00:00 Godzilla vs. Kong by Olivier CourbetSimon Hawes2021-04-08T14:54:44+00:00 Promising Young Woman by Haley TurnbullSimon Hawes2021-04-05T16:12:25+00:00 The Crush by Ricardo FerllenSimon Hawes2021-04-01T15:16:47+00:00 Collateral by Alan GillettSimon Hawes2021-04-01T15:13:16+00:00 Godzilla vs. Kong by Phantom City CreativeSimon Hawes2021-04-06T07:55:18+00:00 Godzilla vs. Kong by Phantom City CreativeSimon Hawes2021-04-06T07:56:22+00:00 Blade Runner by Neil DaviesSimon Hawes2022-12-29T10:01:27+00:00 Parasite by Wrong CultureSimon Hawes2021-03-25T11:52:43+00:00 THX 1138 by Marc LafonSimon Hawes2021-03-25T11:46:12+00:00 The Silence of the Lambs by Jeff PoitiersSimon Hawes2021-03-25T10:32:21+00:00 Ocean’s Eleven by Travis EnglishSimon Hawes2021-03-22T17:53:43+00:00 Psycho by Wrong CultureSimon Hawes2021-03-22T12:32:19+00:00 The Trial of the Chicago 7 by Haley TurnbullSimon Hawes2021-03-22T12:22:25+00:00 Get Out by Dorrie PowerSimon Hawes2021-03-16T11:37:58+00:00 Godzilla vs. Kong by John Bellotti JrSimon Hawes2021-03-07T15:56:01+00:00 No Time to Die by Travis EnglishSimon Hawes2021-03-07T09:39:00+00:00 Goldfinger by Faron FloodSimon Hawes2021-03-02T08:03:12+00:00 Jaws by Marius WigetSimon Hawes2021-02-26T10:28:17+00:00