The Terminator by Christopher KingSimon Hawes2023-01-04T16:49:33+00:00 Terminator 2: Judgment Day by Edgar AscensaoSimon Hawes2019-09-27T09:41:34+00:00 Mad Max: Fury Road by Christopher KingSimon Hawes2015-07-07T09:27:46+00:00 Bride of Frankenstein by Christopher KingSimon Hawes2015-07-07T09:23:06+00:00 Escape from New York by Ben TurnerSimon Hawes2015-07-07T09:16:17+00:00 Godzilla by Ron GuyattSimon Hawes2015-07-03T10:03:05+00:00 Aliens by Kevin TongSimon Hawes2023-01-05T10:49:19+00:00 Dark City by Ric HorejsSimon Hawes2015-07-02T13:50:14+00:00 Mad Max: Fury Road by Robert EkblomSimon Hawes2015-07-02T13:40:10+00:00 Mad Max: Fury Road by Kilian EngSimon Hawes2015-07-02T10:30:36+00:00 Forbidden Planet by Kilian EngSimon Hawes2015-07-02T10:27:21+00:00 Flash Gordon by Kilian EngSimon Hawes2015-07-02T10:23:06+00:00 Aliens by Kilian EngSimon Hawes2023-01-05T10:49:33+00:00 The Day the Earth Stood Still by Methane StudiosSimon Hawes2015-07-02T10:03:03+00:00 Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back by Gregory SacreSimon Hawes2015-07-02T09:38:04+00:00 Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope by Gregory SacreSimon Hawes2015-07-02T09:35:28+00:00 Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi by Gregory SacreSimon Hawes2015-07-02T09:28:23+00:00 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan by Keith BrydieSimon Hawes2019-06-27T11:19:30+00:00 The Hunger Games by Daniel NorrisSimon Hawes2015-07-01T14:29:07+00:00 Interstellar by Daniel NorrisSimon Hawes2015-07-01T14:19:16+00:00 Captain America: Civil War by Samuel PutSimon Hawes2015-07-01T13:40:06+00:00 eXistenZ by Marta SzmydSimon Hawes2015-07-01T13:25:11+00:00 Mad Max: Fury Road by Harijs GrundmanisSimon Hawes2015-07-01T09:41:00+00:00 Transcendence by Harijs GrundmanisSimon Hawes2015-07-01T09:37:49+00:00 Under the Skin by Harijs GrundmanisSimon Hawes2015-07-01T09:34:36+00:00 Escape from New York by Ralf KrauseSimon Hawes2015-07-01T09:27:43+00:00 Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens by Matthew BoydSimon Hawes2015-06-24T15:28:47+00:00 Ghostbusters by Mohammad HaqueSimon Hawes2015-06-24T13:57:23+00:00 Jurassic Park III by Patrick ConnanSimon Hawes2015-06-24T12:43:05+00:00 The Lost World: Jurassic Park by Patrick ConnanSimon Hawes2015-06-24T12:40:24+00:00 Jurassic Park by Patrick ConnanSimon Hawes2015-06-24T10:04:28+00:00 Mad Max: Fury Road by Lazare GvimradzeSimon Hawes2015-06-24T09:25:48+00:00 TRON: Legacy by Lazare GvimradzeSimon Hawes2015-06-24T09:23:32+00:00 Jurassic World by Lazare GvimradzeSimon Hawes2015-06-24T09:20:46+00:00 Her by LadislasSimon Hawes2019-10-07T10:30:21+00:00 Jurassic World by Janee MeadowsSimon Hawes2016-11-30T17:08:32+00:00 Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back by Juan EstebanSimon Hawes2015-06-19T09:21:19+00:00 Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope by Juan EstebanSimon Hawes2015-06-19T09:20:45+00:00 X-Men: Days of Future Past by Marie BergeronSimon Hawes2015-06-19T09:20:20+00:00 Mad Max by Marie BergeronSimon Hawes2015-06-19T09:18:33+00:00