Frankenstein by Matthew TherrienSimon Hawes2016-02-26T06:59:44+00:00 Bride of Frankenstein by Christopher KingSimon Hawes2015-07-07T09:23:06+00:00 The Invisible Man by Francesco FrancavillaSimon Hawes2015-02-10T10:17:14+00:00 Frankenstein by Drew StruzanSimon Hawes2015-02-04T14:55:02+00:00 Frankenstein by Bernie WrightsonSimon Hawes2015-02-04T15:44:11+00:00 The Invisible Man by Kevin TongSimon Hawes2015-01-27T09:39:35+00:00 The Bride of Frankenstein by Olly MossSimon Hawes2015-01-25T14:23:21+00:00 The Bride of Frankenstein by Martin AnsinSimon Hawes2015-01-25T18:40:06+00:00 The Bride of Frankenstein by Kevin TongSimon Hawes2015-01-26T10:48:59+00:00