High Plains Drifter by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-10-26T08:46:17+00:00 Creature from the Black Lagoon by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-09-28T08:11:09+00:00 Frankenstein by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-08-20T16:55:30+00:00 Nosferatu by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-08-03T07:51:58+00:00 The Karate Kid by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-07-14T08:28:23+00:00 Enter The Dragon by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-06-16T14:25:40+00:00 Gladiator by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-06-02T07:57:20+00:00 Robocop by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-05-04T08:54:21+00:00 Jaws by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-04-19T08:17:51+00:00 Han Solo by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-03-30T13:31:14+00:00 The Batman by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2022-12-27T18:51:39+00:00 Hellboy by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-02-24T09:42:11+00:00 Dr. Jones by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-02-08T13:48:35+00:00 Superman by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-01-25T10:16:52+00:00 Tarzan the Ape Man by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-01-12T13:34:02+00:00 Terminator 2: Judgment Day by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-12-30T13:25:24+00:00 Aquaman by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-12-14T09:56:46+00:00 Wonder Woman by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-11-23T11:39:48+00:00 Conan the Barbarian by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-11-04T13:37:28+00:00 Spider-Man by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-10-05T15:57:28+00:00 Rocky IV by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-08-07T07:40:36+00:00 Jaws by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-07-03T16:35:33+00:00 The Mandalorian by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2021-05-04T08:43:16+00:00 Robocop by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-05-10T17:00:22+00:00 Rogue One by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-04-26T08:26:30+00:00 The Avengers by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-04-14T13:35:53+00:00 Watchmen by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-03-23T17:32:30+00:00 Duel by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-03-10T15:14:34+00:00 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2022-12-27T18:21:58+00:00 Joker by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-02-13T14:41:03+00:00 Raiders of the Lost Ark by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2022-12-27T18:13:39+00:00 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2020-01-09T11:10:55+00:00 It by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2019-12-10T13:54:23+00:00 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom by Carles GanyaSimon Hawes2023-01-04T10:53:32+00:00